Xapa transforms you with a few minutes of play every day.


Join Xapa to rewrite the narrative of your life. Level-up your professional skills. Start making decisions aligned with your life’s purpose. Fill your days brimful with gratitude, clarity and resilience. Learn to live your most successful, contented and joyful life.

Get more than money.
Get filthy enriched.™

About XAPA

Xapa is the world’s only personal enrichment engine. Xapa is a gamified library of the world’s wisdom, disguised as an app, that plays like an adventure, engages like a life coach, and enriches like a private mentor.

We convened a team of global experts in human enrichment, tech and gaming to bring Xapa to life and forge its permanent place in the world of personal enrichment. We seek to gamify nearly the entire body of field-tested and worthwhile life wisdom into a fun, engaging and deeply rewarding app that’s accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Without exception, the people creating Xapa—our founders, investors, animators, programmers, writers, even volunteers—believe that conscious leaders must make business a force for good in the world. That starts with each of us, employees or not, deciding to live deliberate, kind and impactful lives of purpose and meaning. That’s harder than it sounds. But you’re in the right place, because Xapa makes it easy to get filthy enriched.™

We’re confident that Xapa can help lift millions from the prison of unenlightened, narrow, negative existence to be agents of change in their own lives. That’s why we’re making Xapa free to anyone with a smartphone and a desire for enrichment. Xapa sees value in the unique contributions residing in every human soul—hungry to be extracted, recognized and affirmed.


Sign up for our Get Filthy Enriched™ monthly series on the last Friday of every month

Join us for our Xapa Day for Executives on October 2, 2024


Enrichment requires them all.

Everything you see in Xapa is something you’ve never seen before.

Xapa is built from scratch by a small army of growth & development experts, supported by a not-so-small army of award-winning writers from film & television and other disciplines. Our goal is to Xapify the entirety of human enrichment into small, nutritious, snackable Quests that make serious demands on the Essential Eight facets of your being.

Everything you are is present in these facets. These Essential Eight must all be summoned, by you, to arrive fully present, to be prepared to learn and willing to change, to get filthy enriched.™

The social you

must be adept at building relationships and resolving issues that naturally arise. These can almost always be traced to a failure or misunderstanding in communication and relationship skills. In Xapa World, the social you will learn about essential skills like active listening, verbal and nonverbal signals, trust, boundary setting, asking for what you need and more.

The physical you

is the package that makes everything else “you” possible. There is a tight and inevitable mind-body connection. In Xapa, you learn to listen to the signals from your body and use your mind to control your responses. Whatever you’ve neglected so far with your health and exercise, Xapa will all but demand newfound attention. The physical you is more than cardio, sleep, nutrition, and hygiene, although they’re important too. Unexpected topics you’ll cover are volunteerism, activism, hobbies, and travel, which are all good for the physical you.

The emotional you

hinges on your ongoing practices that build self-awareness, self-regulation, and, believe it or not, willingness to simply ask for help. This emotional facet of your being is likely both most familiar and least understood. Xapa challenges the complex emotional you with new ways to think about triggers, old wounds, work stress, impulse management, self-care, resilience, self-kindness and gratitude.

The intellectual you

should be routinely practiced, challenged, tested and exercised, with particular emphasis on topics that at first don’t seem to be constituent parts of the intellectual you. Like attentiveness, humility, autonomy, courage, growth mindset, truth detection and fairness. Xapa corrals these seemingly unrelated concepts to make the intellectual you … think.

The environmental you

may be undergoing big climate changes of its own. The environmental you sets yourself up for success by arranging your environment to create the outcomes you most desire, and revolves around the creation, conservation, and restoration of all the other facets of your being. Learn to provide the fertile soil, time and space for your true being to grow deep, abiding roots in your community—your environment.

The professional you

probably consumes much of your time and energy. It should complement, not deplete or compete with, the other facets of your being. Learn leadership, boundary setting, influence, time management, how to say no, collaboration, and ways to bring your work-life into balance and harmony. You can’t be the best you at work if you aren’t happy at home, and vice versa.

The spiritual you

is not to be confused with the faithful you or religious you, though it can happily coexist next to either or both. The spiritual you, in its mature form, employs specific patterns, beliefs and disciplines—like meditation, intentions, gratitude and compassion —to support more publicly visible outcomes, like philanthropy, stewardship and peacemaking.

The financial you

must learn to trade financial ignorance and avoidance for planning, budgeting and risk management. This is the one concrete, touchable facet of your being. You cannot measure wellbeing, character or happiness in financial currencies, yet financial literacy leads to greater wellness, happiness and freedom. Benefits that—you guessed it—money can’t buy.





Xapa partners with the latest and best authors and experts to Xapify their books and programs, making it fun, fast and easy to tap the world’s wisdom. We don’t try to present any single “right” way to effect a particular outcome, but instead provide an ever-broadening variety of Xapified content by thinkers like these:

Nobody sees your personal Xapa data except you. Ever.

In Xapa World, you are not the product. We don’t sell your data. You control your data. You decide whom, if anyone, to share it with.


Your XIP code (Xapa Inter-Personal code) is your key to unlocking relationships. But you decide how much to share, with whom, and when.

A person’s XIP code can teach you, for example, about their personality type, communication style, appreciation language, strengths, values, motivational environments, even their hobbies, family and food preferences—however much they choose to share.

If you share your XIP code with someone, you get XIP tips to help you unlock deeper, more productive and harmonious relationships.



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Xapa is a personal enrichment engine. It will help you identify self-defeating patterns and deconstruct them, then build new healthy habits for resilience, growth-mindset, positivity, gratitude, stress management and more. Xapa is how you get filthy enriched.™
This is important: No. In Xapa World we encourage you to care about what’s going on inside, not outside, yourself and others. You can make your avatar 100% inner you, reflecting your current mood, your strengths, your personality, your achievements and your values. But you can’t make your avatar young or old, short or tall, fat or thin, or possess other external features like that. They’re irrelevant to understanding who you are on the inside, which is what Xapa is all about. Most of us want the same things—to give and feel love and compassion, to be encouraged and championed, to be safe in our physical bodies and emotional souls, to convey pride in our accomplishments and confidence in ourselves—things that no one could know from outward appearances alone, in Xapa World or anywhere else. That’s why your avatar will be like, but not look like, you.  
Your real-life zip code tells us where you live physically; it might also reflect social status or even reveal a bit about how you see yourself. But in Xapa World, your XIP code (Xapa InterPersonal code) is not about your geography but about your philosophy. Your Xapa XIP code is where you live emotionally, intellectually and psychologically. Your XIP code tells others about your personality type, your communications style, your appreciation language, your strengths and values, all the things that make you … you. As with all things in Xapa, you own your data. If you decide to exchange XIP codes with others, you’ll also get XIP tips – keys to unlocking deep, meaningful relationships.
Xaps are messages of positivity, encouragement and support to send, at a time and to a person of your choosing. Unlike a meme or an emoji, Xaps use your personalized avatar animated to convey your real emotions— expressions of joy, motivation, caring or other forms of support and love. You can include a gift of Xapa points, and in time you’ll be able to attach real-life gifts to your Xaps, too.
Xperiences are the summation of Quests and Journeys. A Journey is made up of a sequence of Quests. When you complete all the questions in a Journey, you get extra points. Both Journeys and Quests are Xapa Xperiences, and you can browse or search the Xperiences portal for what you need.