Xapa FAQs

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xapa is a personal enrichment engine. It will help you identify self-defeating patterns and deconstruct them, then build new healthy habits for resilience, growth-mindset, positivity, gratitude, stress management and more. Xapa is how you get filthy enriched.™

  • Xapa FAQ

    This is important: No. In Xapa World we encourage you to care about what’s going on inside, not outside, yourself and others. You can make your avatar 100% inner you, reflecting your current mood, your strengths, your personality, your achievements and your values. But you can’t make your avatar young or old, short or tall, fat or thin, or possess other external features like that. They’re irrelevant to understanding who you are on the inside, which is what Xapa is all about. Most of us want the same things—to give and feel love and compassion, to be encouraged and championed, [...]

  • Xapa FAQ

    Your real-life zip code tells us where you live physically; it might also reflect social status or even reveal a bit about how you see yourself. But in Xapa World, your XIP code (Xapa InterPersonal code) is not about your geography but about your philosophy. Your Xapa XIP code is where you live emotionally, intellectually and psychologically. Your XIP code tells others about your personality type, your communications style, your appreciation language, your strengths and values, all the things that make you … you. As with all things in Xapa, you own your data. If you decide to exchange XIP [...]

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xaps are messages of positivity, encouragement and support to send, at a time and to a person of your choosing. Unlike a meme or an emoji, Xaps use your personalized avatar animated to convey your real emotions— expressions of joy, motivation, caring or other forms of support and love. You can include a gift of Xapa points, and in time you’ll be able to attach real-life gifts to your Xaps, too.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xperiences are the summation of Quests and Journeys. A Journey is made up of a sequence of Quests. When you complete all the questions in a Journey, you get extra points. Both Journeys and Quests are Xapa Xperiences, and you can browse or search the Xperiences portal for what you need.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Quests are the steps in a Journey, written and built exclusively for Xapa users. Each Quest addresses a specific learning opportunity, problem or difficulty we encounter in our professional or personal lives, and ways to think about dealing with them. Every Quest challenges you to think more calmly, democratically, broadly and positively when faced with a dilemma. With each Quest you complete, you add another milestone on your journey of personal enrichment. When you complete all the Quests in a Journey, you collect bonus points.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xapa is in private beta testing with a select group of companies and consumers, and by invitation. If you’d like to be considered or put on the waiting list, please register here.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xapa partners with a variety of authors and experts to Xapify the world’s wisdom. We don’t try to present the one “right” way to any particular goal, but instead provide an ever-growing variety of paths to explore. A studied circumspection of ideas will renew, reinvigorate and reinforce the skills and habits that lead to an enriched life. So we present an ever-broadening array of authors, speakers, podcasters, thinkers, lecturers and leaders to enrich your life and the world.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xapa is about the joy of exploring lessons that lead to your own personal and professional enrichment. Though the number of unique-to-you paths through the game is bumping infinity, there are, broadly speaking, two ways to use Xapa. One way is when your need is specific, or urgent, or both. Let’s say you’re having a here-it-comes-meltdown problem, right now. You’ve got what feels like a marginally manageable conflict with a dear friend or trusted colleague. Open Xapa (selfishly note your game progress) and take six minutes for the Get Curious Not Furious Xperience, by Dr Neha Sangwan. Teaching a surprisingly [...]

  • Xapa FAQ

    The founders of Xapa and many of its experts and advisors are graduates of the Conscious Business Leaders Academy. We not only believe in the principles of Conscious Capitalism, we have built them into the DNA of the Xapa World company. We believe that business must be a force for good in people’s lives and the world, and we put customer, employee, supplier and community wellbeing at the same level of importance as shareholders.