Xapa FAQs

  • Xapa FAQ

    No. But sorta. We built Xapa to be everything but traditional, negative, algorithm-laced social media. Still, Xapa helps you deeply engage friends and colleagues in healthy, enriching, social ways. So in that sense, yes, Xapa has a social component. Examples: You can create or join Xircles and interact in a modern feed. Your home’s TV screen gives you a consolidated Joy Feed filled with content to uplift and inspire you. You can also Xap people with positivity. But unlike social media, provocative half-truths and hidden agendas that catastrophize news are not welcome in Xapa. You’re encouraged to post and comment, [...]

  • Xapa FAQ

    You control your data. Xapa does not loan, sell or profiteer with it. Most importantly, if your Xapa is part of an enterprise initiative, please note that your employer cannot see your individual data, who’s in your Xircles, how you answer specific questions, what Xperiences you take, or any other information unique to you. Xapa’s algorithms use your data to understand what topics are of interest to you, to track your progress through the game, and to guide you to relevant Xperiences. However, unlike many platforms, Xapa is not an echo chamber where you’re only fed more of what you [...]

  • Xapa FAQ

    Xircles are private communities you make within Xapa. You can create your own Xircles just for friends, colleagues, family members, or any combination! Companies can create a private Xircle for the whole company, or for each function, project or initiative. Public Xircles allow people questing towards the same goals—like resilience, positivity, stress management or leadership—to help and learn from each other.

  • Xapa FAQ

    As you explore Xapa World, you explore yourself and humanity at large. Each character you meet in Xapa plays a distinct role, and most represent an aspect of ourselves, others or society as a whole. Click here to learn about characters you may meet in Xapa World, and the fun ways they can help us learn more about ourselves and others—the key to living a fully enriched life. As you progress in Xapa World you’ll meet more and more of these unique characters.

  • Xapa FAQ

    You can use them to unlock content you need for progress. You can use them to send Xaps, or to send points to others for these same purposes. As you gain points, you’ll level-up your status. Eventually you’ll be able to use points for home and avatar customizations or even enter into special, secret areas of Xapa World.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Yes! As you level-up and gain status you’ll earn ways to customize your house and … well, it’s a surprise!

  • Xapa FAQ

    When you reach higher levels of status in Xapa World by earning points with Quests and Journeys and expanding your Xircles, you’ll earn exciting ways to evolve your avatar.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Yes. In the beginning Xapa is lightly multiplayer but this capability will enhance over time. You can make your Xapa World just you, or family-wide, or company-wide, or even world-wide. Initially this is accomplished primarily through Xaps, XIP codes and Xircles. Soon Xapa will be massively multiplayer where evolving leagues of users will be able to go on Quests together, in real time, and much more.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Yes. At first you’ll be limited to visiting only the front porches of other players’ houses. But soon, as more multiplayer features come online, you’ll be able to invite visitors into any room inside your house, or you into theirs. It won’t be long until Xapa World feels pretty much like home for pretty much everyone.

  • Xapa FAQ

    Only those you choose.